メトロイドII RETURN OF SAMUSは任天堂から発売されたゲームボーイ向けゲームソフト。
Tool-Assisted www.speedruns.net Played by Alter in 57 and encoded and presented by SpeedRuns.net. This is a tool-assisted speedrun. Very classic game for the good ol’ Gameboy. The second part of a still famous series played as fast as possible. Alter found some nice bugs which have shorten the completion of the game dramatically.
Tool-Assisted tasvideos.org Played in in 23 by Ferret Warlord. This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For further informations visit tasvideos.org
[100% upgrades (only one Beam Upgrade: Ice)] [Metroid Counter: 38] *Alpha Metroid x 1 Like Metroid for the NES I haven’t played this game a lot EXCEPT I haven’t played this game a WHOLE lot more than its predecessor. This is definitely NOT an easy game because your main targets the Metroids are extremely aggressive and can easily overpower Samus if you don’t know what you are doing which was why my first play attempts were colossal failures due to those very reasons. Missiles are extremely important and the fact that there can be chains of Metroids makes it almost an absolute necessity to retrieve as many Missile Expansions as possible. Recharge stations and Save stations definitely help to relieve the pressure seen in the previous game. A major pain that surfaces very easily during first play is the limited screen space which actively stops all enemies outside the screen and makes it really easy to catch Samus off-guard and damage her when she moves back to attack it or even when she is just moving around the room itself the only enemies that can’t leave the screen AT ALL is both the Zeta and Omega Metroids. One strange thing that is present here but not any other Metroid game is that both acid/ lava and water have no effect on Samus’ speed. This is also the ONLY game where Missile Expansions increase by 10 instead of the standard 5 in addition this is one of the few games where Samus actually starts with an arsenal Missiles and the Morph Ball (where her other b.../b
This is the battle with Samus has with Queen Metroid and the best ending in the game Metroid 2: Return of Samus for the Gameboy. The game registers in at just under three hours and though it doesn’t say so it is with 100% item recovery. Notice the baby Metroid hatchling imprinting Samus as it’s mother. Samus brings that baby Metroid back with her and it becomes the basis for what happens in Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion. This game is actually in black and white like all old Gameboy games but since it is being played on the Gameboy Player it is automatically colorized. This also happens on the Gameboy Advance.
[100% upgrades (only one Beam Upgrade: Ice)] [Metroid Counter: 0 (Technically should be 1 since the Hatchling counts as one being the last Metroid after all)] *Metroid x 8 *Metroid Queen x 1 Dragoon: WARNING THE BATTLE WITH THE METROID QUEEN (ONLY THE QUEEN ITSELF ANYWAY) FLICKERS NON-STOP THIS IS ALL IN PART DUE TO THE COLOR PATCH I FEEL JUSTIFIED IN MENTIONING THIS IF YOU HAVE SENSITIVE EYESIGHT. Samus: The lair is reminiscent to Tourian with the odd laboratory-esqe floors and walls. It makes sense in way since the Chozo were the ones that created the Metroid so the laboratory was probably interpreted as their nesting grounds or primary hive. Dragoon: The Metroid Queen lays one more batch of Metroids which oddly are the standard kind and is the only time you actually fight them despite the whole game is hunting Metroids. These Metroids are less annoying than NES Metroid’s due to their slower speed. Like Tourian’s these Metroids require the typical Ice Beam + 5 Missile combo however is it just me or does it seem like when the Metroids evolve they lose an extremely vital defensive coating whereas unless they are frozen they can be damaged while Alpha Gamma Zeta Omega and even the Queen itself has no such protection. It could be argued that by evolving the Metroids are no longer easily susceptible to extreme low temperatures but are stripped of their near-invincible coating that does actually make sense. Missile conservation is an absolute must here worst b.../b
[100% upgrades (only one Beam Upgrade: Ice)] [Metroid Counter: 34] *Alpha Metroid x 4 The Alpha Metroids are not hard but their movement pattern which later is present in Gamma Metroids makes them sneaky targets as they move a short distance and then pause. This doesn’t sound like much but most often Samus must shoot Missiles at the direction the Metroid is headed towards to damage it so this can be a chore and can greatly waste away Missiles. Samus’ returning long knockback distance makes an unwelcome return because it greatly hampers the Metroid encounters. The best way to battle Alpha and Gamma Metroids is to attack from the bottom. Also before you reach an Alpha Metroid you can always shoot one Missile before it becomes active and thus easily scores one surefire shot. This doesn’t work for later Metroid evolutions since an animation plays at the start of the encounter which negates the Missile fired UNLESS you time it just right so that the Missile is still in the air and immediately hits the Metroid once the evolution animation finishes.
Near the Metroid Queen’s Lair
[100% upgrades (only one Beam Upgrade: Ice)] [Metroid Counter: 26] *Alpha Metroid x 3 *Gamma Metroid x 2 Gamma Metroids can be quite annoying due to their larger size and ability to generate static electric fields to inflict damage and deflect Missiles. Also this is the start of the Metroid battles in af***ing dirt covered room god clearing the area is a hassle dirt reforms when it leaves the screen and worst of all ALL the damn Metroids can move through the stupid dirt while poor Samus is left swimming in it. I know that the Wave Beam is the best beam to clear the stupid dirt quickly but I’m not going to spend time to get that upgrade just for this only to switch back to the Ice Beam later because it is needed to finish the game.
[100% upgrades (only one Beam Upgrade: Ice)] [Metroid Counter: 31] *Alpha Metroid x 3 You might be wondering why I had Samus Spider Ball on the ceiling to cross a large hallway. Well there’s an annoying Chozo Laser Head at the other end who can shot non-stop laser beams and is freaking hard to avoid (It wasn’t until much later that I remembered that Samus’ Ice Beam can freeze projectiles). Having played Metroid Fusion before this I instantly recognized the Spring Ball guardian Arachnus who later became the Morph Ball Guardian in Fusion he can only be damaged by Morph Ball Bombs any arm cannon shots will make him roll up and leap towards Samus. The Varia Suit is almost an absolute requirement the damage inflicted later on especially the final confrontation is insane.
I never tried beating the Boss without using bombs or the screwattack. Here’s what it would look like if you didn’t use those. Final Battle Vs. The Queen Metroid and Ending for ’Metroid II: Return of Samus’ on Gameboy. This is the Prequel to Super Metroid.
『メトロイドII RETURN OF SAMUS』(METROID II-、メトロイド ツー リターン オブ サムス)は1992年1月21日に任天堂より発売された ... 発売されておらず、バーチャル コンソールにおいてもGBソフトは対象外であるため、シリーズ中最も手に入りにくい作品 とされる。 ... エリアごとの区分はされておらず、一定数のメトロイドを倒すことで 地下迷宮を満たす液体の湖の水位が下がり、より惑星の下へと攻略できるようになって いる。 ...
メトロイド2必勝攻略法 (ゲームボーイ完璧攻略シリーズ). 著者/訳者:ファイティング スタジオ. 出版社:双葉社( 1992-03 ). 定価:¥ 489. 新書 ( 45 ページ ). ISBN-10 : 4575152129. ISBN-13 : 9784575152128 ...
ゲームボーイソフト「メトロイドII RETURN OF SAMUS」を販売、名作GBカセット通販で もう一度、攻略本も充実!【ファミコンショップお宝王】では、レトロゲーム販売、中古 ゲームソフトの買取、電池交換を行っております。ACアダプタや本体・コントローラー ...
女神転生外伝 ラストバイブル. 攻略大作戦 相互 アウトサイダー ゲイゲーム ゲームボーイクローバー. 女神転生外伝 ラストバイブル2. アウトサイダー ゲイ ゲーム ゲームボーイクローバー. メトロイド2 RETURN OF SAMUS ...
2010年11月3日 ... 荒巻大輔のレトロゲームな日々。の記事、ゲームボーイ「メトロイドII RETURN OF SAMUS 」をやってみる。メトロイドオモイロドです。 ... 15時までのご注文は即日発送!土・ 日・祝も休まず営業!【中古】GBソフトメトロイド2リターン・. ...
テーマ:ゲームボーイ $レトロゲームな日々。-メトロイド2 ゲームボーイ「 メトロイドII RETURN ...
2010年11月3日 ... レトロゲームな日々。-メトロイド2 ゲームボーイ「メトロイドII RETURN OF ...
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